Modified TM Roper - 13 inch swells with a backsweep.
#282 Modified TM Roper
#267 Modified TM Roper
#296 Modified TM Roper
#287 Modified TM Roper
#290 Modified TM Roper
#293 Modified TM Roper
#226 Modified TM Roper
#241 Modified TM Roper
#284 Modified TM Roper
#256 BareBones Modified TM Roper
#201 BareBones Modified TM Roper
#211 BareBones Modified TM Roper
#212 Modified TM Roper----"Saddle looks and feels great. Excellent quality. Fits the horse good. I'm surprised how comfortable it was right out of the box. It's everything I was looking for plus more. Comfortable seat. Stirrups swing freely. I like how you have less leather behind the fenders. Good horse contact. Great feeling, looking, fitting quality saddle. Thank you."---Jerod, Nebraska.
#215 Modified TM Roper
#252 Modified TM Roper
#94 BareBones Modified TM Roper
#220 Modified TM Roper
#220 Modified TM Roper
#222 Modified TM Roper
#219 Modified TM Roper
#219 Modified TM Roper
#125 Modified TM Roper
#199 Barebones Modified TM Roper with Leather Pencil Roll Cantle Upgrade. "It fits great on both the horse and myself.
The whole purchase experience from discussing the build through its arrival was stress free and communication was open and often which is appreciated!
Got to throw it on a horse this weekend and after some break in, I it will be the first thing grabbed out today the tack shed each time I grab a saddle!
Many thanks for “rebuilding” the old saddle only in a much better form! I will be ordering another one for my wife this fall. Thanks again" ---Jeromy, Alaska.
#177 Barebones Modified TM Roper
#187 Modified TM Roper
#194 Barebones Modified TM Roper with Small Cheyenne Roll Cantle Upgrade
#138 Modified TM Roper
"Got a new saddle. Pretty cool rig fits my horse perfectly. Rode it 12 hours Monday. No break in necessary it was comfortable all day. Thanks DW Dixon Saddles nice work." --- Mike, Oklahoma
#168 Modified TM Roper
#184 Modified TM Roper
#166 Barebones Modified TM Roper
#156 Barebones Modified TM Roper
#128 Modified TM Roper
#163 Barebones Modified TM Roper
#134 Modified TM Roper
#157 Barebones Modified TM Roper with Rawhide Pencil Roll Upgrade --"Thank you David, excellent craftmanship and quality. I rode it all last weekend as we were working cattle and I am so thankful to have it. And I can now saddle my horse myself as it is a weight that I can handle but still is a real saddle. If anybody wants or needs a great saddle with all the best qualities of fit, form, function and quality, see David. "-- Colleen
#158 Modified TM Roper
#110 Modified TM Roper " I can’t wait (to) get the saddle!!!!! I have ridden Dixon Saddles and they (are) Incredible. I can’t say enough about David and his utmost professionalism, knowledge of making saddles and craftsmanship. Thanks David"--Kurt. 6/23/20 UPDATE: "I can't say enough good things about this saddle. It's everything that I asked for while only being able to discuss by phone. David was great in his understanding of what I was wanting. Great saddle." -- Kurt